Joe's Blog
Advanced CSS&Sass 03 - background-clip, outline and flipping card Advanced CSS&Sass 03 - background-clip, outline and flipping card
background-clip and transparent coloruse the combination of: background-image: url(../../img/hero.jpg); -webkit-backgr
Advanced CSS&Sass 02 - BEM, Basic Sass Advanced CSS&Sass 02 - BEM, Basic Sass
BEM class naming system Transform a normal CSS to BEM: old: to new: Differnece between @include and @extend in sass:wr
Advanced CSS&Sass 01 - CSS Global Settings, Animation, Clip Advanced CSS&Sass 01 - CSS Global Settings, Animation, Clip
Can use Google Fonts API to introduce font in html background-size: cover and contain !: all of them could make backgrou
Learned from NFT Project Learned from NFT Project
What I learned from NFT-Market Practice Project
React—Suspense React—Suspense
Use React suspense showing the data fectching loading state of the page↓ To Use React Suspense and React lazy to achiev
Solidity Solidity
Basic Structure for NFT Market App **Front-end Application: ** receive token urls point to metadata NFT Market(smart con
Block Chain 01 - Basic Concepts Block Chain 01 - Basic Concepts
What is Smart Contract Definition: An agreement, contract, or set of instructions that is deployed on a decentralized bl
Set absolute path in React project Set absolute path in React project
Add following configuration in tsconfig.json Then
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