Joe's Blog
AWS 0-01 - set up account, IAM AWS 0-01 - set up account, IAM
Basic Workflow for Setup An AWS Account1. Register register different AWS accounts for different purposes like: producti
AWS 0-02 - intro to network zones, infrastructure, VPS AWS 0-02 - intro to network zones, infrastructure, VPS
AWS Network Zones Public Internet Zone AWS Public Zone: public service on this zone, anyone can connect to, but need p
How to squash commits into one How to squash commits into one
use git log --online to check all your commits history in a brief form. find the hash head of the first commit you wan
Function return type trap in TS. Function return type trap in TS.
In TS there is a trap for function’s return type function a { b(); } function b { // some operations return
Javascript logical operators tips Javascript logical operators tips
逻辑判断符var a = b || c || d || e var a 的值是从左到右第一个为true或者有值的变量 var a = b && c && d && e va
Advanced CSS&Sass 12 - grid Advanced CSS&Sass 12 - grid
Grid TerminologyGrid structure: CSS Attribute: grid-template-rows, grid-template-columnsusage: start and endusage: s
Advanced CSS&Sass 11 Advanced CSS&Sass 11
blockquote标签使用blockquote标签来标出另一个来源的文本: 可以在CSS中直接使用html entity用法: 效果:
Java Virtual Machine 05 - Reading Note Java Virtual Machine 05 - Reading Note
第二章 结结构 常量池是在方法区中用来放基本类型常量的(public static final)JDK 7以下也放字符串,JDK 7以上字符串放到了堆中 JDK 8 之后方法区被放在本地的元空间取代 对象结构 在给新对象分配内存时,堆内内
Java Virtual Machine 03 - Tools Java Virtual Machine 03 - Tools
Jvm监控工具的作用: 对JVM运行期间内部情况进行监控,比如JVM参数,CPU,内存,堆信息 辅助进行性能调优 辅助解决一些应用运行时的问题,比如OutOfMemoryError,内存泄漏,线程死锁,进程消耗CPU过高等 JPS
Java Virtual Machine 02 Java Virtual Machine 02
GC概述 引用计数法 根搜索算法(虚拟机基本采用这个方法) 引用分类 强引用: Object a = new A() 不会被回收 软引用:还有用但不是必须的对象,可以被回收,用softReference实现,回收掉
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