AWS 0-04 - intro to CFN, CW, Shared Responsibility

CFN(CloudFormation) Intro

  • A tool helps you create, delete, updating infrastructures using template
  • Written in YAML and JSON
  • The deletion of a stack would delete all resources created by this stack
  • Structure diagram:

  • when a template is submitted to cloud formation, it creates a stack which contains all logical resources, and then, stack makes physical resources based on logical resources

CW(CloudWatch) Intro

  • It is a public service

  • CW perform 3 main jobs:

    • Metrics- collection, monitoring of metrics on AWS products, app. Some collection could be done natively, some need CloudWatch Agent, on APS products, Apps, on-premises
    • CloudWatch Logs - collection, monitoring based on logging data, on APS products, Apps, on-premises
    • CloudWatch Events - 1. generate event to do something in certain time 2. if an event happened, it generates another event to do some actions, on AWS services, AWS schedules
  • A metric is a set of time ordered data

  • Example of a CPU utilization metric:

  • Alarm could be created based on a metric, there are 3 states of alarm: OK, ALARM, INSUFFICIENT_DATA:

  • Dimension is used to separate datapoints for different things or perspectives within the same metric:

Shared Responsibility Model

  • AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud

  • Customer is responsible for the security in the cloud

  • Diagram(ex):

A u t h o r: Joe
P o l i c y: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Joe !
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