AWS 0-03 - Intro to EC2, S3

EC2 Intro

  • EC2 is IAAS(Infrastructure as Service)
  • Provide access to virtual machine known as instance, an instance is an operation system
  • EC2 is private AWS service, runs on private network zone
  • EC2 is AZ resilient
  • On-Demand billing
  • 2 types of storages: local on-host storage and elastic block store
  • Connect Windows EC2 instances on remote desktop protocol, on port 3389
  • Connect Linux EC2 instances on SSH protocol on port 22

EC2 Instance Lifecycle

  • Once an instance is terminated, it is irreversible

  • When an instance is in running state, you will be charged on: disk, memory, CPU, networking

  • When an instance is stopped, you won’t be charged on: CPU, memory, networking, but you are still charged on disk because of storage

  • Relationship image(actually, an EC2 has more than these 3 states):

AMI(Amazon Machine Image)

  • AMI is an image of EC2 instance

  • AMI could be created from an EC2 instance, or be used to create an EC2 instance

  • AMI contains attached permission, deciding which accounts can and can’t use the AMI

    • can be set as public, everyone can control
    • can be set owner, only owner control it
    • can be set explicit, add other AWS accounts to control it
  • AMI contains Root Volume, it is C drive in window. Drive to boot the operating system

  • AMI contains data Volume

  • AMI contains Block Device Mapping, determining which volume is root volume, which are data storage volume, mapping between volumes and operating system

Create and connect an EC2 Instance

  • Store key pairs once you created them, no second chance to get them

  • On your local system, you have to set permission on your local environment

  • connect EC2 instance using the key pair

S3(Simple Storage Service) Intro

  • Global storage platform

  • Regional based and regional resilient

  • Public service, but access can be private

  • Perfect for hosting large amount of data

  • Can be accessed via UI/CLI/API/HTTP

  • S3 = Object + Buckets

S3 Object

  • Each object has an object key as identifier
  • Each object has a value , represents the content being stored

S3 Bucket

  • Each bucket has a globally unique name(ex)

  • Bucket name should between 3-63 char, all lower case, no underscores(ex)

  • Bucket name starts with a **lowercase letter ** or a number(ex)

  • Bucket name can not be IP format e.g.

  • Bucket - 100 soft limit(only can have 100 buckets inside 1 account), **1000 hard per account(by increasing service you can have 1000 at most)(ex) **

  • Unlimited objects in bucket, can store infinite data

  • 0 - 5TB data for largest object value(ex)

  • Object = key + value(ex)

  • One bucket is in a region

  • Bucket never leaves the region unless you ask

  • A bucket is infinitely scalable, it can hold infinite objects(not data, 5TB data at most)

  • It has a simple and flat structure, there is no folder in a S3 bucket and there is no file type in bucket

  • In bucket, folders are just prefix of the object names

  • S3 bucket structure diagram:

S3 Patterns and Anti-Patterns

  • S3 is object store not file or block
  • Can’t mount as drive
  • Great for large scale data storage, distribution or upload, great for offload
  • Should be default folder for input and output to many AWS products

Create S3 Bucket

  • Disable Block all public access, does not mean others could access the bucket without permission, it means: you can grant access to the public

  • All resources in AWS has an unique identifier: ARN(Amazon Resource Name), same as for S3 bucket

  • when create a folder in S3 bucket, it does not really create a folder, instead, it create an object in / name

  • when create a file named A.jpg inside a folder named archive, actually S3 does is to create a object named archive/A.jpg to simulate the structure

  • before **delete ** a s3 bucket, first we need to empty it

A u t h o r: Joe
P o l i c y: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Joe !
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