Advanced CSS&Sass 01 - CSS Global Settings, Animation, Clip

Can use Google Fonts API to introduce font in html


background-size: cover and contain

!: all of them could make background image responsive according to the window size

Multiple background images

you can add multiple background images, they would layered together

By using this property with the linear-gradient, we could achieve effect of image filter

Use clip-path to clip the element

it clockwise sets the position 4 points for the element:

you can use the tool to make clip-path:

Use absolute position & transform to center any element

Difference between inline-block and inline element on a button

content is a necessity for pseudo element


How CSS units calculated



Set root font-size for all elements in the website

  • even in root, use the percentage as the default font-size to set root font-size
  • in most of browsers,default font-size is 16px, so, 62.5%x16 = 10 which is a convenient value to calculate

Use inheritance instead of universal settings



Include all the pseudo-elements in global selector

A u t h o r: Joe
P o l i c y: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Joe !
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