Learned from NFT Project

  • Set config to SWR to stop revalidating

  • actively connect to the NFT wallet

  • add listener to MetaMaskInpageProvider

  • SWR would automatically maintain the return swrResponse in all places

  • mutate to update data in Swr response

  • MetaMaskInpageProvider check whether browser has metamask

  • data as response of SWR have same impacts as useEffect data

  • use Headless menu item to control the visibility of items in the menu

  • use arrary.filter(Boolean) trick to remove all the empty items in an Javascript array

  • define an unfixed object that could have different key names but in same type

  • in the useEffect , there could be a cleanup function by setting a return function in the callback function of useEffect.

    After first execution of useEffect, in the following executions, cleanup function would be first implemented.

  • when the network of a Web3 wallet changed, only reload the page could get the latest network in the browser’s window object

  • Solidity Scope

2 ways in Solidity to create a new object

  • In Next.js file’s under public folder could be directly accessed by url

  • You could insert debugger in code to stop code from executing

  • Use hookFactory to create different kinds of hook to reduce redundant codes

  • You can use fetch to get local JSON files

  • Use Partial type in Typescript

  • set type of return value for the SWR

  • Combine types is Typescript

  • conditional SWR

  • throw error

A u t h o r: Joe
P o l i c y: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Joe !
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