node.js-Express Routing, Middleware, CORS

What is Routing in express

Routing is the mapping relation between client requests and server’s response functions

The routing is consist of 3 parts: requesting type, requesting url address, response functions

Routing matching process

Once a request reaches the server, express would start to match the requesting according to its type and url from top to bottom and deliver the request to the proper response function.

Modulization of routing

1. Create .js file to store router

2. Create router object by express.Router()

3. Mount specific router on the object

4. Export router by module.exports

5. Use app.use() to register router in app.js


The middleware is a function that is added a next param compare to a response function.

next(): passing the request to the next middleware or router

Global middleware

Simple use

In multiple middlewares and routers, req and res object are shared

Declare multiple global middlewares

Local Middleware

Simple use

Declare multiple local middlewares

Attention Points on Middleware

1. Must register middlewares before routers(except error middlewares)

2. Invoke next() in the end of middlewares

3. req and res objects are shared among middlewares

Error Middleware

Simple use

Express Built-In Middlewares

1. express.static

2. express.json

By default, req.body would be undefined unless there is a middleware used to analyze req data

Simple use

3. express.urlencoded

Simple use

An Example of Using Middleware

server monitor and receive data in middleware in client, parse and pass them to the router which returns the same data to the client

const express = require('express');
const {parse} = require('querystring')
const app = express();

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  let str = ''
  req.on('data', (chunk) => {
    str += chunk
  req.on('end', ()=> {
    const body = parse(str)
    req.body = body
})'/user', (req, res) => {

app.listen(8888, () => {
  console.log('server runing');


yarn add cors
const cors = require('cors')

A u t h o r: Joe
P o l i c y: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Joe !
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