node.js-Express Basic

Introduction to express

express could facilitate development of both Web server and API server, it is a packaged module of node.js http module

Simple use of express

Get and post in express

Static server in express


to declare public as a source for static server, express will look for css, html and js files under this directory and /public will not appear in url

declare multiple static servers, express would look for static resources from top to bottom and return the first matched ones


add url prefix to a static server, anyone who want to access resources under public have to add prefix ‘/user’

app.use('/user', express.static('public'))

Use nodemon to enable hot update

npm install nodemon -g

then use

nodemon app.js

to start the node application

A u t h o r: Joe
P o l i c y: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Joe !
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